2005 – 1993


In order of appearance: 2005 Thailand, 2005 Cambodia, 2005 Laos, 2004 India,
2000 Sri Lanka, 1993 Tahiti

The looks are refined and I turn to the square format (120) with a Hasselblad 500 c
I use different films Agfa, Ilford, Kodak, Fuji or foma…

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1989 – 1978


My first pictures between 1989 – 1978,

some are anecdotal, but one way already to draw a real interest for the human portrait…

in order of appearance: 1989  Egypt, 1986  India, Nepal,  Bangladesh, Thailand,  Malaysia, again in 1983  Nepal, Thailand and  India, Sri Lanka (1983 and 1979), to finish  Afghanistan in1978
This series of photos made using a camera Nikon FM or FE
[audio: 1978.mp3|loop = yes|autostart = yes]